Town of Apple River Taxpayers:
It is not possible to maintain a status quo on services provided by the town; ie the same services cannot be provided at the same cost on a continuum. The choice is to incur more expense, which logically translates to more taxes, or accept a lower level of services provided in quantity, quality or both.
The referendum being presented for an “Appointed Clerk” has the potential to influence both the cost and quality of services provided by the clerk. The following presents a few generalities about the effect of the referendum but neither supports or opposes the choice provided by the referendum.
1. Objective data indicates there is a need to increase the clerk compensation , appointed or elected, if we want to secure interested and qualified personnel. The cost of the appointed clerk, if approved, could potentially be more as the referendum empowers the town board to set the compensation whereas the elected compensation is established under s. 60.32. The appointed clerk compensation is indirectly and ultimately controlled by the town meeting as the levy to support the recommended budget is approved at the annual meeting.
2. A significant difference between elected and appointed is the residence of the interested party. Under the elected format the candidate must reside in the Town of Apple River conversely the appointed format allows the interested party to reside outside of the town.
The results of the referendum will assist the elected town officials in determining the degree of competency and cost that may incur with attracting, training and retaining a clerk that will fulfill responsibilities assigned under s. 60.33. Please help your local government by voting in the November election.
Thank You from the Town Board of Apple River