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The Apple River Fire Department, founded in 1957 is located at 606 US Highway 8, Amery, WI 54001, more commonly known as the unicorporated community of Range. The staff is composed of 20 firefighters, 8 1st Responders, and 6 Explorers. The department is proud to have members with volunteerism in excess of twenty-five years. Credentials for the majority of the staff include: State Certified Structural Firefighter; State Certified Forest Firefighter; Certified Advanced Auto Extrication Technician and Urban/Wildland Interface. Some individual credentials include Department of Commerce Deputy; Certified Fire Inspector; Arson Investigator and High Angle Rescue Technician.

  • Fire Chief: Alec Adams
  • Asst. Fire Chief: Jamie Berry
  • Secretary: Sheila Niemann
  • Safety Officers: Brian Boe and Kevin Trandum
  • Emergency Phone Number:  911    
  • Non-Emergency Phone Number:  715-268-2918
  • Fire Chief Phone Number: 715268-8322;  Cell: 715-419-2378
  • Asst. Chief Phone Number: 715-553-2400
  • EMS Director:  Jim Rognholt
  • Secretary:  Sheila Niemann

Our fleet consists of 2 fire engines, the primary engine being a 2006 Freightliner with 1,500 GPM pump rating and a 1,000-gallon water capacity. Suporting apparatus incude one brush truck, two tankers with a combined water capacity of 5,000 gallons, a mini pumper/rescue vehicle equipped with hand, electric, and hydraulic extrication tools, cribbing, chains, rigging and a 12,000 lb winch. A diesel powered trailer pump, capable of pumping in excess of 1,200 GPM is utilized for high volume water transfer and tanker filling for the rural setting.

The Apple River Fire Department meets the first Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM at the fire station. Other training sessions and equipment maintenance meetings occur as needed.  The department helps support personnel equipment needs with fundraisers by hosting a meat raffle every Thursday night at Duck's Sports Bar and a Pancake Breakfast in August.

Burn Permits can be obtained at no charge by contacting our Fire Chief at the number listed above. Burn Permits are not required when snow is on the ground.  

The Department welcomes inquiries on becoming an Apple River Firefighter, 1st Responder or Explorer. Contact the officers listed above concerning inquiries, questions or comments.

2024 RUNS: 191 TOTAL

  • Apple River:  88
  • Johnstown:   1
  • Georgetown:  46
  • Balsam Lake: 49
  • Amery Fire Area: 2
  • Miltown Fire Area: 5